
Live at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m.


Weekly Announcements

This Week's Events


This Week's Events 〰️

The Week of May 5th at a Glance

Mon. May 6 - Trustees, 6:00 (Rm 7)

Tue. May 7 - We Care, 10-12:00 (FLC)
Food Pantry – 10:30-2:00 (FLC)

Wed. May 8 - Prayer, 6-6:30 am (Sanctuary)
Pastor’s Bible Study, 11:30-1 & 7-8:00 (7)
Praise Band, 5:30 (FLC)

Thu. May 9 - Chancel Choir, 6:30 (6/7)
Compassionate Friends, 7-9:00 (FLC)

Fri. May 10 – June newsletter deadline

 Sunday Worship is Live.


Traditional Worship: 11:15

You can also join live on Facebook and Youtube


Pastor’s Corner

Pastor Tom’s Corner – April 2024

       This month I want to share a reflection on Genesis 22.

“Keep Listening!” Abraham was given instruction by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mountain. The wood was there, the boy was tied up, and the knife was shining in the sun poised over the child…. This was the child of promise; the one God empowered to be born from folks who were way too old to have children. This was the son who was to be the second generation of God’s chosen people. This was a beginning of the people counted by the sands in the sea and the stars in the heaven. And the knife was about to end all that.

“Keep Listening!” I am not sure what Abraham was thinking. Maybe it was something like this… “You gave Isaac to me; you want him back, fine… I still believe you will do the great nation promise.” Or, “I believe your promise, if this is how you want it, even with Isaac dead, you have a better plan than I have, maybe you can raise him back up, so be it.”

“Keep Listening!” The knife begins is downward plunge and a voice interrupts, “Abraham, Abraham!” Abraham replies “Hush up; I am doing what God wants!” Ka-Thunk! No, that is not what happened. The response was, “Here I am.” Abraham kept listening.

We may read the Bible and know exactly in our hearts what God wants. But keep listening! Many things have changed since the writing of the scriptures. That is why it is so important that when we read and apply the scriptures today, we also consider the traditions of the church, our reason, and the experience of the Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts daily.

Sure, we may have it all figured out, but that is no excuse not to “Keep Listening!”

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Tom

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.

Psalm 95:2-3


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